Marketing To Today's Consumers: Promotional Products For Millennials

Utilizing promotional products that connect with Millennials and Gen Z’s interests and values will be critical in gaining consumer loyalty and attention now and into the future.

You see promotional products every day. That pen you use to sign your credit card receipt. The beer coasters at your local pub. The reusable tote bags from the grocery store. The coffee mugs at your favorite diner. These days, promotional products are becoming even more effective for marketing as Millennials and Gen Z begin to make up the majority of the workforce. And they just so happen to LOVE promotional products. You might be asking, “well how much do they love them?”. Let’s explore the facts and better understand who they are as consumers.

• 87 percent of Millennial and Gen Z consumers remember the brand and 58 percent remember the message from a promotional product they have received.

• 88 percent have a more favorable impression of the brand as a result of receiving a promotional product.

• 8 in 10 keep promotional products for a year or more after receiving it.

• After receiving a promotional product. 87 percent said they looked up the brand.

• 88 percent said they are more likely to do business with a brand as a result of receiving a promotional product, compared to 62 percent who said brand engagement via social media will likely lead to them becoming loyal customers.

Millennials value eco-friendly products, visual aesthetics, and innovation. They’re resistant to traditional marketing and prefer to be online. Social media is huge with Millennials, because they look to their friends and networks to gather information before making a decision.

Gen Zers are starting to enter the workforce and will soon be the largest working generation. Similar to Millennials, Gen Z value companies that take on social issues, and they want to support businesses whose mission aligns with their own values. They’re even more loyal to the brands they like than Millennials and are more likely to post about your company on social media if they feel like they can relate to your perceived values.

Millennials and Gen Z are quickly becoming the largest generations to make up the workforce. Utilizing promotional products that connect with their interests and values will be critical in gaining their loyalty and attention.